In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Zooming around

 When you spend a total of over six hours on Zoom stitch-ins in one weekend, you get some significant stitching done.

Today I stitched with EGA's MAR region members (I'm one, too, now that I've joined a chapter in the region) and got this done on Love That Red.

This thing is absolutely going to need some significant pressing when it's stitched.

And don't worry about the knots and other messes on the edges outside of the red perimeter row. I've had questions about that very thing. When I finish the stitching, there will be a lining with a self binding on the long sides, so all will be encased and covered.

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