In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Change of Plans

I had originally planned to come home and start on the smalls that fit into the Elizabethan Etui.

Then I came home and looked at my neat little piles of stuff for each small.

I promptly went in the kitchen, grabbed a box of baggies, walked back into the living room, and placed the component pieces for each small into its own baggie. Those baggies went into the large project bag and were placed to one side. I decided I cannot finish-finish two days in a row and maintain my cherub-like demeanor.

I believe I am going to pick up Ann Scutt and start on the big pansy band and see how far I get with that before bedtime.

Or I may just go to bed.


  1. As we mature, we recognize our strengths--go with it! Enjoy your stitching!

  2. I love "cherub-like demeanor"! I'll try that one on dh and see if he can keep from coughing :)

  3. I completely understand your reaction to more finishing.

  4. I know just how you feel. The stitching is WAY more fun than the finishing and finishing can only be taken in small doses! Maybe if you leave it out the same elves that helped out the shoemaker will find it and get it done for you!! One can only hope! Laura
