In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ann Scutt has wandered back

Ann Scutt won the toss and came on the trip.

And this is where she is at the moment:

I need to stitch the outline of the third large flower, then just about everything is filled in with double running stitch. The colors change so frequently I plan to have three needles threaded at all times so I can be sure that I don't miss anything.

After this band is finished, I have three more large floral bands, an alphabet, and the attribution band to stitch. It may be possible that I will finish two big samplers this year.

And that probably just jinxed it.


  1. Coming along nicely! Don't fear the jinx, there's still a lot of year left to finish even a large sampler!! Carry on! Laura

  2. Quote: "...And that probably just jinxed it." You make me laugh so hard sometimes! But seriously, your work is beautiful. I've been reading your blg from the beginning and I am so impressed / amazed at the work you complete. It's all really lovely.
    Keep it up, and I do SO love your witty blog posts.

  3. Shhhh....I didn't hear anything!

  4. You are an inspiration wirh your lovely band sampler ... I'll have to dig ouy my own English Band Sampler.
