In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Happy Place

I am in my Happy Place.

Every year at this time, I join a group of stitching friends in Williamsburg for a week. It is a wonderful, enabling, energizing group of people, and I look forward to it all year.

I decided I was not going to take a class this year. (Having seen the projects now that I'm here, I am kicking myself for making that decision. Oh, well, as with all the projects I love and don't have, if I'm meant to have it, it will come my way somehow.)

I planned to stitch all week in the aptly named stitching room.

After two days, I have the green vine for the border across the top of Carmen.

And I've started the next drawn thread band on Love that Red.

It is quite possible that I could have accomplished more stitching in my nest at home. However, a big part of this event is seeing friends I see only here, once a year. And, of course, seeing which projects they brought and hearing about what they've been working on and have been up to since the last time we saw each other. And there are new people, here for the first time, to meet and greet and become friends with.

All in all, a perfect week.


  1. Beautiful stitching , you sound like you are in a happy place , have fun.

  2. Glad you are enjoying your time in Williamsburg!

  3. Carmen and Red are looking good, Ann. Who is teaching this time? Enjoy your happy place! Hope you get to check out the new cross stitch shop.

  4. Great work on Carmen. Always fun to get together.

  5. quel travail, superbe
    douce soirée
