In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Before we left . . .

In between packing and laundry and lists, I did get a couple of things stitched:

Two acorns from the very top band of Ellenor Wyckes, which I'm doing as a stitch along with several people who have met through Nicola's Scarlet Letter Year. They are all farther along than I am, of course. I am going to try to work a band a month, along with the band a month I want to do on Anne Lawle, in hopes that both will be finished by the end of the year.

Meanwhile, we have journeyed to Williamsburg so I can attend a stitching retreat and Dearly Beloved can wander around and eat his way through his favorite restaurants. We have made a good start on that.

Tomorrow those of us attending the retreat will have the chance to view some pieces from Colonial Williamsburg's textile collection in the morning, then we will gather to stitch on the Jamestown Jacket in the afternoon. I think all of us participated in the Plimoth Jacket project, and I am very excited to have the opportunity to work on this as well. In fact, Baby Girl and I hope to come back in a couple of weeks and stitch on this project together one afternoon.

Sometimes I think the best part of my needlework life are the people I have met through it. And I treasure the fact that Baby Girl enjoys plying her needle, too.


  1. Can't wait to see more.
    Have fun at the retreat!

  2. How wonderful that you will be working on the jacket!! I understand it to be very beautiful. Sounds like your time in the burg will be well spent!! Laura

  3. I agree with your comment about the people we have met through our stitching. They definitely enrich our lives. I still remember fondly your visits to Needle Nicely's Blowing Rock shop lo these many years ago.

  4. Oh, Mary, I did love those visits to Blowing Rock--that I just realized were (gulp) over thirty years ago!
