In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Nary a stitch . . .

Not a single, solitary stitch was stitched in this household today.

I think the double trauma of getting up to an alarm clock to get to the Farmers' Market before the heat of the day really got horrendous (and it didn't take long to get there) AND wearing shoes for the first time in a week did me in.

Actually, I think the shoes were more traumatic. I hate wearing "real" shoes. I'll do slippers or socks if it's cold, but shoes drive me crazy. The minute I can take them off, I do.  And that is why there is a pile of shoes immediately inside our door.  Dearly Beloved apparently suffers from the same ailment, as do the Big Kid and Baby Girl.

I did spend some time straightening up a part of my corner. It mostly consisted of restacking a pile of needlework books and magazines, which led to visiting Jane Nicholas' and Alison Cole's sites online ( I was diverted and influenced by Inspirations magazines--I really do need to live to be 385 to stitch even half of what I want to stitch).

Tomorrow, though, I'm stitching on Martha Edlin again.

I swear I am.

Because I am NOT putting shoes on these feet again until Monday morning.

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