In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Still Slightly Discombobulated

Daylight Savings Time has me in my usual spring discombobulation.  It feels like an unusually severe case  of jet lag, and it takes me a couple of weeks to recover. I've been cranky.

And I have hardly had a needle in my hand. I wanted to stitch, but it just didn't happen. This is quite possibly another reason for the crankiness.

However, when Gay Ann announced she was starting a Midnight Star stitch-along, I dug the one that I had piloted out of the finished pile, so I do have something to show. I wanted to play with the colors a little, so I went with the silver metallic canvas instead of dark canvas and light threads. This was REALLY out of my comfort zone and I have not a clue what I'll ever do with it, but it was fun to stitch.

I do believe that I may take the center motif and stitch it in Christmas colors. I think it would make a fantastic ornament.

I think it would look totally different hung on point--if you tilt your head just slightly you can see what I mean.

And that means I have to figure out what very safe place I stashed the directions so I can try that out.


  1. I think you are right. The design would be perfect in Christmas colors and hung on point. Happy Stitching!

  2. Wow! That is amazing. So pretty!
