In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Pretty Pink Posies

 The rest of those pretty pink posies are now stitched on RST1779.

I'm moving on to another humongous flower motif this afternoon, while it rains outside and the temperatures drop. We aren't getting snow, but we are getting rain, which hopefully will not turn into ice. Snow is pretty. Ice is scary.

But I am wrapped in my blankie and stitching. There is bean soup simmering in the crock pot with the bone from the Christmas ham, so we'll be warm inside and out.

And meanwhile, I am wondering about RST, who created this sampler. Was she a teacher stitching samples for her students? Or was she a professional embroiderer, making a pattern record? Or was she one of us, planning projects to embellish her home or her clothing?  And I wonder what she would say if she knew that her sampler was being reproduced for others to stitch.


  1. RST is looking fabulous, Ann. Hope you only had the rain without the ice. Ice is so treacherous. We ended up with almost 7 inches of snow yesterday although there was a thin layer of ice between the 5 and 6 inches.

  2. I'm enjoying your RST posts - beautiful spot sampler

  3. Thank you. I've never seen such a beautiful Queen stitch sampler and I am honored to stitch the model.
