In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Overwhelmed and Underwhelmed

 I said to myself that I would blog when I had something to show, thinking I would have another big flower completed on RST 1779 in a day or so.


This is two days of stitching, and I don't think I'm even halfway done with this motif. In addition, I had the first online class with Zina Kazban and her Cherished Letter Case--nothing to see there, a few minutes into the class the light bulb on my light went out and I couldn't really see well enough to stitch without it. I have a new bulb coming--had to be ordered, of course--so hopefully there will be something to show on that front before I start the Loving Letter Case class with Zina this week. Yes, I have two classes going, each on alternate weeks.

And today is the intro to the class with Cynthia Jackson that I've been waiting for since last fall.

I have a lot to stitch.

I'm a little overwhelmed.

What is underwhelming is the winter storm that passed through last night. We haven't had a pretty snow in years--no soft, powdery flakes that create a winter wonderland. What we got was a very brief snowfall that left the dead grass sticking up, followed by freezing precipitation, which left an icy crust on top of everything. Basically, we have a bit of white ice, which we hope doesn't do nasty things to power lines. Today the temps are supposed to reach the 40's, which means that the white ice will melt, then form black ice overnight when the temps drop back into the 20's.

I don't care who you are, or where you live, nobody should try to get out and drive on black ice.

Which means that I have the perfect excuse to stitch all weekend.

Which means I may actually have some progress to show in the next day or so!


  1. Your flower is looking good, Ann. Hope your light bulb comes quickly.

    1. Thank you! Light bulb is traveling around the country. Apparently it has moved on the wrong truck.
