In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Not a Knot

 Well, it turned out that what I thought might turn into a knot garden actually isn't, but it is one of the prettiest motifs on the sampler.

What am I saying? They're all pretty, but this one is tied with the one that has been described as a peacock tail, a Hydrangea bush, and an artichoke.

I think the geometric that is started to the left of this one is going to be another very pretty motif. I decided it would be easier--and more efficient--to work the framework first, then fill in the diamonds. I think they're going to be more florals. We'll see, since I'm working from a black-and-white chart.

I have to admit, I find colored charts to be more difficult to follow. It can be hard to distinguish one color from another, and sometimes the symbols are hard to decipher when they're embedded in a colored block.

And it adds to the excitement of finishing a motif--seeing the design come to life.

This is the kind of excitement I like. The other excitement I've had this week--finding out I need a new phone--is not. 

We also need to invest in new sheets--a friend once noticed that all her linens seemed to wear out every seven years. She decided it was because you start out housekeeping with new linens, all at the same time, which meant that they all wore out at the same time. She decided this occurred every seven years. I have decided she was right, since we're coming up on 49 years of marriage and the sheets are starting to look a little frayed.

I'd rather spend money on sheets than a new phone, but I don't suppose I have much choice in the matter. Actually, I'd rather spend money on needlework, but I think my budget is going elsewhere for a bit.

This is not starting out to be the best year . . . Phooey!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful medallion you finished, Ann! You are off to a good start on the next one. Bummer on needing a new phone and sheets! Stay warm!
