In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Finished and done

Eve is assembled.

This was a learning experience.

I learned:

  • Overall, I'm very happy with the embroidery.
  • I love the silk gimp used for the leaves and the tree and I love the raised stitch used for the grass mounds. I will use both again.
  • Tent stitch over one on linen gives a tapestry-like effect that I love--but I don't want to do my casket in that technique.
  • Overall, I'm not so happy with the finish-finishing. (so, what's new about that)
  • I wish I had realized that my finished embroidery didn't quite fit the measurements of the original, because I would have cut the finishing materials differently.
  • I also wish I had treated the mounting of the finished fabrics differently. Instead of gluing them to the Skirtex and mounting board, I would have ironed light-weight lining to the back to stabilize the silks, and then I would have laced the silk to the backings. This would have allowed me to remove them and recut the mountings to fit the embroidery.
  • No matter how I finagled the inner box, there is still a gap between the box and the "lid" or front of the piece. It won't be obvious leaning up against the back of the cabinet where it will live, so I guess I can live with it. I also guess I don't really have a choice unless I do the whole project again.  That is not going to happen.
  • I really wish I hadn't bent the outside when trying to mount the inner box. Maybe a heavier mounting board would have prevented that. Or it may have been worse.
The good thing is that my stripes matched up pretty well on the lining. 

Now I need to find some other trouble to get into.

As much as I have to do in my stash, I always have trouble deciding exactly what I want to do when I finish a major project. I might even have a list of things to do, and I still feel a little lost for a bit, until something else jumps up and down for my attention.

I think this means I'm more into the process than the product.


  1. Yea--you must be thrilled! A wonderful project...job well done!!!

  2. What a gorgeous finish. Do you have a photographic record of your finishes? You have accomplished such a lot.

  3. Finished - how exciting! Congratulations!! It's gorgeous! (and your stripes look great!) Looks like the inside of the front/lid has a tufted, padded, pincushion-ish area ... so it's a sewing box? How big is it (I keep thinking I should say "she"), about 5 or 6 inches tall?

    Finish finishing (or rather *construction*) is always worrisome - maybe that's why I have a Merry Cox sewing case that I finished stitching years ago and it's still just a rolled up piece of stitchery.

  4. I think it is lovely and very impressive!
