I finished Bands 9 and 10 of Mary Atwood the other night, and took my usual excellently focused and lighted photos.
Please note the sarcasm.
As I looked at the piece, I saw a pair of flirtatious eyes looking back.
Do you see them, too?
I asked Dearly Beloved if he saw anything unusual about the band. He said, "besides the eyes looking back?"
It is very likely a good thing that we found each other.
Baby Girl came home for a week-end visit so I didn't stitch as much as I might have otherwise, although we had a pleasant evening--I stitched, she knit, and Dearly Beloved dozed in his corner of the couch. I do so enjoy having her around!
Baby Girl left this morning. I discovered this afternoon that I am lacking in thin, fine sewing needles, which I need for one of the classes I am taking at Jeannine's. I am not quite sure what constitutes thin, fine needles, but I went out and bought a package of the closest thing I could find to what I thought I needed.
I'm hoping tonight to make a little more progress on Mary--would love to finish Band 11, but the bands are getting larger and more complex, so each one is taking longer.
And I should think about packing clothes at some point.
Loving Mary's "eyes". Really, the whole sampler is coming along very nicely.