In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Friday, January 25, 2013

And there was much rejoicing!

At long last, the moment I was beginning to think would never happen, happened.

The biggest band on Martha Edlin's sampler has been stitched!

I have completed entire projects that were smaller and that had fewer stitches than this one band. I do not have the words that would tell you how thrilled I am to have this done. To be perfectly honest, I dreaded this band--not sure why other than the size.

But it is done.

And all I can think of at the moment is "Wow, it's really pink."


  1. It's done and its gorgeous!!!! Love this band..... Yippee!!!!

  2. Yay! It's done! Even pink Reminds me of Steel Magnolias, "my colors are blush and bashful. Her colors are pink and pink." :)

  3. It looks great, Ann! I love that band!

  4. What I am thinking is WOW it is amazingly gorgeous.

    All those stitches have been worth it when you see the beauty you have created. Well done.

  5. Yeah! Quite an accomplishment.

  6. really pink and really gorgeous!!
