Well, after many mental gymnastics, I got the sideways bud on this particular posy stitched.
There's another field of flowers below this wonky flower, and this is one of those times when I'd like to speak firmly to the child who stitched this sampler originally. Like, why in the world would you put those random lone stitches where they are? I know they could be considered place holders for complete flowers, but couldn't you figure that out from the wholly stitched flowers that come later? And then, she couldn't decide exactly on how she wanted to shade the buds in this particular field, so some are done one way, some another.I would work on this longer tonight, but I'm suffering my usual discombobulation with the time change. Simply put, my brain and body function better on Standard Time, and it will take me a couple of weeks to get even partially adjusted to the shift. Yes, I know I'm retired so it shouldn't make so much difference. The problem is that the whole world isn't retired, and those are the schedules I have to adapt to.
I fear Miss Crankypants will be in ascendence for a bit.
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