In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Woven Ribbons

My very dear friend and partner-in-crime Sharon (who also reproduces samplers for her company Thy Needles Worke) has come up with a brilliant plan. She found an app where she records a photo of her stitching for each day. That way she can see her progress as well as remember what projects she worked and when she stitched them.

Well, I'm starting a bit late to the party--you're supposed to start recording on January 1--and I decided I could record the pictures as well on my blog as on an app--so I'm going to try it. 

And today's stitching is the next motif on RST1779.

It looks like woven ribbons, doesn't it?

 I was a little hesitant to stitch the framework first since it's done in black thread. Dyeing textiles black usually requires more applications and processing of the dye to saturate the fibers and get a true, deep black. And that can make the thread more fragile, and, in this case more prone to lint and shedding. And those black fibers can make the other colors look grayed out.

So I'm watching the silk very carefully, making sure I clip the tails away when they start to look even the slightest bit frayed. I think I may also go over the motif, front and back, with some archival tape. And keep my sharpest pointed tweezers next to me as I stitch the other, paler shades of silk.

We'll see how that works. Maybe tomorrow. Stay tuned.

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