In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Black and (off) White

So I sat down yesterday after a morning of errands and picked up the prework for the class I'm taking from Betsy Morgan at Salty Yarns in a couple of weeks.

And it's done.

If working out the double running patterns doesn't create new neural pathways and help to stave off dementia and Alzheimer's, I don't know what will! I'm still getting over the brain cramps.

And I don't have a clue what I'm in the mood to work on next. There are more than enough projects in the stash to keep me busy until I'm 462, but I can't decide which one is the most enticing.

Back to closing my eyes and grabbing whatever is in the basket by the chair, I guess.


  1. I'll be in Betsy's class, too, but haven't started the pre-stitch yet. Guess I better get busy!

  2. LOL, just the other day I was having very similar thoughts about the double sided nature of blackwork and how making the puzzle work *has* to be good for one's brain! Love the designs on your prestitching - they're so delightfully complex.

    Looking forward to seeing what you pick next.

  3. Ann, your pre-stitch looks great! I was "lazy" and did a back stitch since I knew it wouldn't show. Now I'm thinking I shouldn't have because my brain needs all the stimulation it can get!!!
