In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Double Trouble

At last!  The final double running bands on Mary Atwood are done!!!

And this is most of her thus far:

Once again, I had to wonder about some of Mary's decisions. Again, she stitched over one color with another in a couple of places, and there are a couple of omissions of stitches or patterns.

But my working of these patterns has amused Dearly Beloved to no end.

There are multiple oversized charts for each section of each band--one for the left, one for the middle, and one for the right side of the band.  You have three such charts for each color in each band--so if the band is stitched in green and cream, you have three charts showing the pathways for the green and three charts showing the pathways for the cream.

The last band had three colors.  This meant nine charts.

My stitching corner is quite cozy (i.e. I sit in the corner without a lot of extra room when you consider the frame holder, the lamps, the end table, the pile of stitching on one side and the books and magazines on the other).  Juggling scroll frame and three oversized charts--plus the master chart showing the relationship of one band to another--and the threads, and the scissors, and my Pepsi--well, apparently I could join Cirque du Soleil as a contortionist.

If he mentions this one more time, I may be joining the prison population instead because I will clobber him.

Actually, the only thing that may save his life is the fact that I would not have access to sharp embroidery scissors in prison.


  1. She is beautiful. It sounds like serious chart wrangling :)

  2. What a pretty sampler! I was lovely meeting you today in Greensboro with our little sampler group. Kim
