In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Finally but not necessarily Finely

Fair Maiden Etui is finally all put together.

I love the bouquet of flowers on this side.

And here are all the storage compartments.

Now I need to get the smalls that go with it stitched and finish-finished.  And I really need to get in gear for that, since the mail carrier brought this today:

The class starts on Saturday, but I think I'll still be working on the other Fair Maiden bits and pieces.

And I have Briar Rose to put together after that.

However, nothing is going to happen tonight. I had an appointment with the ophthalmologist today. My eyes look like they belong in a horror movie, and the appointment was hours ago. Light is still bothersome--I'm writing by the glow of the laptop screen--and my focus is a bit blurry yet. These are not good conditions under which to attempt to thread a needle. I suppose I could run the vacuum cleaner instead. Notice the marked lack of enthusiasm for this activity.


  1. Your etui is absolutely gorgeous! You have such a talent for finishing. Congratulations.

    LOL at running the vacuum cleaner. I agree, I have no enthusiasm for THAT either!
