In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Fidgets

I have been suffering from the fidgets all day. I have not been able to sit down and focus on anything, no matter what.

I got several more threads stitched into the sky on The Shepherdess before that lost my interest.

You will notice there is only a little bit more to do and the sky will be finished. Could I persevere? Nope!

I was in and out of the stash several times, looking to see what struck my fancy. Nothing grabbed me.

I sewed the linen to scroll bars so I could get the prework done for my next Salty Yarns excursion. And that was the extent of that.

My current book didn't hold my interest. There was nothing I wanted to watch on TV.  I went for two walks to see if that would get rid of the fidgets.

I even ironed Dearly Beloved's shirts for the week instead of waiting until the last minute to do one just before he had to put it on to go to work. They're all done. That's when he asked me if I felt OK.

I feel fine. I just have the fidgets. And I hope they go away soon.


  1. I hate those 'fidgets' days!!! I normally have them around my period-periods, so for me they must be hormone-related. Best cure for me is playing with my dogs, a new, very exciting x-stitch project or a REALLY good TV-show... Hope tomorrow is better for you:)

    1. I am too aged to be hormonal any longer, so I have no reason--other than it just happens at times!

  2. LOL! I get them once in a while, but have never ironed to try to get rid of them! Ironing is not my favorite. I'm afraid that I would be fidgeting AND grumpy! LOL Hope today is better.

    1. Actually, it might help the housework if I got them more often . . .just a thought . . .

  3. I hate those times. I had them for a whole week. They finally broke this last Friday and was able to get a couple of projects finished.

    1. Oh, wow--a week? I'd be bugnutz crazy . . .although there are those who would say I already am.

  4. I HATE the fidgets!!! I had to force myself to stitch last night because I would happy dance though I had the fidgets, it was awful!
