In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Wouldn't you just know . . .

On the last night of blogging daily in honor of National Craft Month--I'm not going to have time to stitch.

There is ironing to be done, and I need to get organized for my sampler guild meeting tomorrow evening, and I promised to sew a button on Dearly Beloved's favorite sweater (and I don't count that as stitching, that's more like work) and by the time I get all that done, it will be time to go to bed.

Before I go, though, I have a question to ask of you, Dear Readers. As I've noticed fewer and fewer people blogging on a regular--or irregular--schedule, I've wondered. Do you prefer brief blog entries that appear more frequently, or do you like longer blog entries that cover more ground but appear less often?

Inquiring minds want to know . . .


  1. I'm more inclined to read shorter entries posted more frequently. It's not always easy to post regularly though, speaking from first hand experience!

  2. I like reading blog posts; I don't have a preference as to short or long.

    Robin in Virginia

  3. I love to see regular updates rather than long posts every few weeks. Some people write really long entries and I just can't be bothered to read it all especially when they don't have paragraphs.

  4. It's great to hear from you regularly. Sort of a window into your life, hectic or calm, but stitching.

  5. It's great to hear from you regularly. Sort of a window into your life, hectic or calm, but stitching.

  6. I like more frequent short posts. I enjoy your blog very much,

  7. I love reading your blog posts and definitely enjoy the more frequent posts.

  8. I also prefer your posts often, even if they are short! You write with such wonderful sense of humor:)


  9. While I can't seem to post to my blog very regularly these days, when I'm reading blogs, I do prefer shorter posts with fewer talking points, than a long catch-up post.
