In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Saturday, March 14, 2015


This is not the project I had hoped to post today.

You may notice this is the Tulip Tray and not Fair Maiden.

I started out with Fair Maiden this morning. The first task was to glue the batting to the mounting board and allow it to dry. I started to do this, thinking the glue bottle felt a little light, then realized it felt so light because it was so nearly empty.  I got part of one piece glued, and this is after standing with the glue bottle upside down for fifteen minutes.

Surely there is more glue that can be used, thought I, and went on a search. I discovered I did not have any more of the glue in the gold bottle, any more of the thick designer glue, or any more of the quick-drying glue. There was not even any Elmer's in the house.

I did have a glue stick (which is perfect for some things, but I've found it's not quite so successful for this) and Dearly Beloved has three unopened bottles of wood glue and a tube of epoxy.

Well, I thought, I'll just go to the next step, which requires Stitch Witchery. So I went to the drawer which holds interfacings and interlinings and other necessary things for finishing. I found the package, which contained exactly 4" of Stitch Witchery.


It was then that I remembered telling myself to make a mental note that I needed more Stitch Witchery when I was out and about. Apparently that mental note was stored in a deep and dark recess of my brain, because that was the last time--until today, of course--that I thought about it.

I also realized that my supply of iron-on interfacing was perilously low. After inventorying other supplies, I had a list of about a dozen things I need to pick up.

However, Dearly Beloved was getting the car serviced, therefore I had no wheels. And then he was planning to do some errands of the Home Depot variety, which I enjoy even less than he enjoys fabric store and needlework shop excursions. I had no idea when he might return.

So, I corralled some of the dust bunnies, and added vacuum cleaner bags to my list of things to get, and handled several loads of laundry. And, by the time he wandered back home, I was totally involved in this panel of the Tulip Tray.

And now all the stitching for the Tulip Tray project is complete.

Which means I need to put it all together.

I think I was planning to subtract a project from the finish-finishing list today, not add another one to it.

Sigh . . .

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