In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Making Progress

Well, despite pitching a hissy fit earlier this week, I'm still making progress.

I have the first step of the roof on Morning Has Broken filled in, and I started on the second step, after I built the chimneys.

It would have helped if Dearly Beloved hadn't looked over my shoulder and asked if I were going to stitch flowers or if I was just going to leave those dead branches in the flower pots. It took me a minute to figure out he was talking about the smoke from the chimneys.  I have no comment about this, simply reporting.

Another section on Journey is finished:

I realized as I was stitching this section that I won't have enough of the Neon Rays I need for the next three sections.  I have ordered it and hope it will arrive fairly quickly. I had just been thinking how nice it's been on the last several projects to have more than enough thread, and, of course, immediately I run out of something vital.

And after I calmed down from my conniption, I managed to get almost the whole next section on Posey stitched.
I still love the colors.

Tonight I go back to Eve in the Garden. Hopefully I'll get farther this week than I did last!


  1. These all look gorgeous! Kudos to the stitcher!!!

  2. Nice pictures of Journey--your photograph shows the beautiful details of the stitches. Great job!

    Brenda's Needlepoint Studio Blog

  3. Beautiful progress on both projects but oh, do I love Morning has Broken. I got it started in class but have never got going on it.... yours is lovely!
