In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Just like eating popcorn

About a hundred years ago (actually, maybe about ten), David McCaskill offered a series of Christmas ornaments for stitchers. I don't now remember how I obtained the kits--it may have been a monthly series from a shop, and that is likely since I was doing a lot of monthly series from shops at the time--but it's been hanging out in the stash since then.  I ran across the kits when I was rummaging around looking for something entirely different.

When I was thinking of something to alternate with the background on Eve, it occurred to me that this would be a good project. I figured it would be something I could work on for a couple of hours, then lay aside for Eve, then go back to after working on Eve.

I am here to tell you it was a little more addictive than that.

"A Needle in a Haystack"

I got half of it done yesterday while waiting for the latest repairs on Mother's car to be finished.

None of it took very long to do. All of it was fun, especially since I didn't need additional magnification.

Am I going to set it aside today to work on Eve?  When I just have long random stitches that will create the haystack to stitch?

Not likely. I may have a finish for 2016 before the day is out.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, I think it was closer to 20 years ago. I recently discovered several of them at Needle Nicely in boxes I had packed away over 10 years ago. They are wonderful designs and I'm glad you are enjoying stitching them.
