In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Getting back into a routine

I was thinking the other day--the last few years, I have not been as productive as I thought I would be. Actually, I thought I would spend the majority of every day with a needle in my hand--and I did, the first year I retired.

But then I had some health issues that sapped my energy, then there was the Big Move, and, to put the cherry on top, I lost a big chunk of this year with my wrist in a brace.

And I got out of the habit of stitching. I was still going to classes, I was still enhancing the stash--instead of stitching, though, I was puttering and scrolling through my phone and playing online games. And, at the same time, I want all this stuff stitched!

So, I'm going to try to limit my time playing on my phone (OMG, it is addictive, and I don't want to be that person who is physically attached to my phone 24/7), and I'm going to start the day out stitching, and I'm going to work on what I want to do when I want to do it.

This is what I've been poking a needle into for the last couple of days:

I'm taking an online class from Sara Rickards, the same tutor who's been teaching the deep dive classes I've been taking. It's an advanced crewel class. I'm already a little behind, but I've got a rhythm going now and I think I may be ready for class on Tuesday.

Carmen still has my heart, and she's going to actually get some love this week. After all, her boring border is done, and I almost have the framework for the middle of the design finished, so I can see some progress happening.

One side of the Hapsburg Lace needle book is stitched. I have the framework for the other side done, but I'm going to save the filling stitches until our EGA meeting so I can demonstrate them there if anyone needs to see how to work them. I haven't loved working on this because the canvas is really stiff and harsh--possibly because it has metallic threads running through it. I love the design, but I am really going to be thrilled beyond belief to have this finished.

And I think I need to get back in the habit of more frequent blogging. If I blog, I stitch, and vice-versa. Therefore, I will continue to babble away about what's on my frame , , , er . . . frames.


  1. Well done ,we all have these times .
    Have to stop and think , what do we really want .
    I go and buy a new chart ! and every thing feels good again Ha.
    Hugs June.

  2. Your projects are looking good, Ann. I found limiting my time on the computer (yes, I'm a dinosaur because I am still using a desktop) helps get things accomplished from stitching to the necessary chores. I hope you have a pleasant and productive week.
