In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Not a Canary

This is going to be a hummingbird, but right now, it looks like a peculiar canary.

 I've started the Hummingbird in Silk and Metal, an online class EGA offered earlier this year.

Earlier this year, my hand was in a brace and I was not stitching. Luckily for me, the access to the class materials was extended to September 29.

Wait a minute. This is September. I do believe I need to get cracking and get 'er done. Basically, I have printed out all the lessons, but there are the most spectacular videos that show just about every single stitch as it's worked. Talk about a major help!

Today I started the felt padding that both silk and metal threads will be worked over. It's fiddly and finicky but gives everything dimension.

So this is what I will focus on for the next couple of weeks--and let's hope I can continue to focus on one project for that long.