In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Page One--Done!!!

 When last I wrote--good grief, was it almost two weeks ago?--I was planning to do some ornament assembling.

I didn't.

The linen for a model I'm stitching for my friend Cissy arrived and I started stitching that instead.

This is Page 1 of 1779 RST. All Queen stitches, all the time, reproduced from a sampler in Cissy's amazing collection. Absolutely amazing motifs on this one--beautiful, soft pastels--this is going to be like an ice cream shop when it's finished!

I would have thought I'd have more done, but we had our family Thanksgiving/Christmas combo celebration last weekend so there was much cooking and cleaning to be done before I could host The Saint. Actually the cooking was the big thing. No, I may retract that statement. It was probably cleaning off the guest room bed and finding places to put the stuff that had accumulated on it. (Of course, now I have to find the portal to the dimension in which those things landed--that fabled "safe place" which means it will take forever to locate my stuff again.) And then we had to make a day trip back to our old stomping grounds--and then it took a day to recover from the day trip.

At least with company coming, the halls got decked as well as dusted, and the tree is ornamentified, except for the new ornaments I have stitched but not assembled.

Maybe I can squeeze out a few minutes (or hours, if I'm honest) to put them together. But I also have just a wee bit more to do to finish Summer Crewel, the class I've been taking from Sara Rickards.

Because I'd really like to have this sampler stitched before I start the three--yes, you heard it here first--three online classes that begin in January. Plus the EGA correspondence course. And then the Kate Barlow class in February. And there is likely something else that I'm signed up to do that I've forgotten about. 

At least I don't have time to get bored. 


  1. You know my love of queen stitch…I’ll be waiting anxiously for progress reports on this model.

    1. I'd like to get as much done as possible before mid-January, so my fingers have to fly!

  2. I have a number of those "safe places" too. Sigh.

    1. I just wish I could remember where they all are! Maybe I should inventory the stash . . .

  3. Glad to hear the combo Thanksgiving/Christmas gathering went well, Ann! I have some of those "safe places". A couple birthday gifts made their reappearance as I was setting up gift wrap central at the end of November. Your page 1 of this model looks amazing. Have a good week!

    1. Congratulations on finding the birthday presents! And thank you for the kind comments!

  4. That sampler does have the feel of ice cream/sherbert!!! Glad your early holiday celebration went well and you are back to stitching!!!

    1. I was thrilled to see your latest blog post! Your electric needle has been humming!

  5. Oh Queen stitches. I think you either love or hate them. I haven’t don’t enough to know which side I fall on.
