In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Still catching up on homework

I am still catching up on my homework on Summer Crewel.

 This is where I am after stitching through most of three Zoom meetings today (total of 5 hours).

This is where I was the last time I posted.  At least I can see some progress, although I still have a lot of fiddly, time-consuming elements to stitch. But I have two more days before class, so maybe I can get it all done.

Before I have more homework to do . . .


  1. I think you made awesome progress during your Zoom meetings, Ann. My after would look the same as my before because I have to read the captions when I attend Zoom presentations. Have a blessed Sunday.

  2. I made all 6 Christmas Treats this week. The finishing is very easy and quick. They turned out very cute! One of the easiest projects ever. Hope you have a lovely holiday season.

    1. I have five of the six stitched but nothing put together yet. Maybe this weekend!

  3. This is really coming to life. Looking good.
