In my part of the world we say you are a fool if your passion for a pursuit overcomes all practical sense. I am a stitching fool, and I stitch foolishness.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Mindlessly stitching

 There wasn't much sleeping last night.

After about four hours in bed, the Very Bad Knee decided to let me know that it disapproved of the change in weather, which is causing lower temps and rain. It started throbbing. Then the Not Quite As Bad Knee and the hip on that side didn't want the Very Bad Knee to have all the fun--and they joined in. This meant that I spent the remainder of the night trying to find a comfortable position. On those times when I dozed off for a few, I had weird dreams. I finally gave up and got up.

But this means that Harmony, which I had planned hoped to work on today was off the list of today's activities. Too much decision-making and skill required for that one--so I needed something mindless.

I don't have many mindless projects in the current pile of projects.

However, Behold Thy Beauty has another section that needed a dividing band worked, and the design on it is almost all cross stitch over one. That's the easiest stitching in the pile, so that's what I've been doing this afternoon.

I have been thinking about starting the vine, but I'm not entirely sure I can remember how to count. I may try it--or I could doze in my chair for a few minutes to see if that helps.

Dozing sounds good. And if you wonder why I haven't taken a nap--basically, when I take a nap, I generally wake up crankier than I was when I went back to bed--and then I can't sleep at night again. I used to be able to nap and loved long Sunday afternoons reading and sleeping. This is another thing that my increasing age and decrepitude have changed. Phooey!

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